Sunday, January 24, 2016

Jumping Into the River

Flying into Guatemala
GREETINGS FROM GUATEMALA!!! I have officially been in Guatemala for almost 36 hours... and it all seems very surreal. I find myself pausing mid-sentence.. looking around.. and realizing.. I am REALLY HERE!! I am really here.. and I am not leaving in a week.. or a month. I am here long term. I am here by God's grace and I am so grateful for each person who is giving and has given to get me to this place. Thank you for your prayers, your financial support, your emotional support, your friendship, and your encouragement. Without each of you, none of this would be possible!! Thank you!!

I honestly have to say that Guatemala speaks to my soul on a level I have never experienced. It's almost as if God wired me specifically to live in this culture. It's in everything I see... everything I hear... everything I taste.. everything I experience. The bright colors that are everywhere, the busyness that is the city, the affection and welcome that the people show complete strangers, the spices in even the most "average" dishes, the music, the language, the culture.. it feels so right. I recognize that I am very much in the honeymoon period, and I have yet to face any major challenges.. but this place feels right in a way I have never experienced before.

Hershey's Spread is a hot commodity
I arrived around noon on Saturday, January 23rd and my roommate I will live with in Zapote, Tiffany, picked me up from the airport. After lunch at a cafe, I arrived at what will be my temporary home in San Lucas while I go through some training before heading to the village of Zapote. Here I met another one of my teammates, Heidi, and realized that my team is composed of varying ranges of goofy people.. PERFECT (I have found my people!!) Heidi and I  took a trip to a local supermarket... which was surprisingly well stocked.. and  since the market is owned by Walmart, they have a lot of the same brands that I purchase in the U.S..... INCLUDING CHEESE (Praise God)!!! I also realized that they place really weird things in protective plastic cases to deter shoplifting.. things like Hershey's spread?!! I'm still trying to figure that one out.

Guatemalan Breakfast
I experienced my first official Guatemalan breakfast today... let's just say.. it ministered to me deeply. Heidi made me fresh eggs scrambled with onions, tomatoes, and cheese, black beans, and blue corn tortillas (only
available for purchase on weekends from the local tortilla stands).. and the crowning jewel... GUATEMALAN COFFEE... which is apparently procured from a friend down the street who gets it straight from the processing plant and uses the proceeds to fund his ministry with local boys homes. I am a self-proclaimed coffee snob, and this had me speechless. Yes, Lord.. and it wasn't even French Pressed!!

My largest adventure thus far has been showering. In the majority of Latin American countries, the only water that is heated is the water used to bathe. In Guatemala a common solution to this problem is known as the "Widow Maker" or "Suicide Shower" in which LIVE power lines are
The Suicide Shower
run directly into the shower head to heat the water. Getting a "light" shock is not uncommon when operating the faucet controls. So.. when it came time for my maiden voyage to the shower, I literally had to have Heidi talk me through operating it. Apparently this was quite hysterical to her as she directed me from the living room in between bursts of laughter. I will say, even though she CLAIMS that she has never been shocked by this device... I am fairly certain I felt tingling when I touched the faucet. I decided to turn it on and off with a loofa from now on!!

Today I attended church service at La Iglesia Galilea which is the local church that partners with Kids Alive International in the village of Zapote where I will be working. WOW... I was and still am completely overwhelmed at the goodness of God. Song after song we sang of His goodness, His faithfulness, His promises.. and I am in awe of all that He has done.. and HOW FAST He has done it. I wept tears of joy throughout the service just at His goodness and His faithfulness in this journey. God has a plan for each of us.. and in His timing.. He WILL SEE IT THROUGH. My journey has taken place at the speed of light (or so it seems).. but one thing that sticks out through it all is that HE IS FAITHFUL TO KEEP HIS PROMISES. Again and again He has come through at EXACTLY THE RIGHT moment.. sometimes waiting until the very last minute!! I trust that He has this journey, and I am excited about where this journey goes next!!

Thank you for reading my blog. I am grateful for each of you, and I look forward to sharing this journey as it unfolds!!



Saturday, January 16, 2016

When the River Flows Too Fast (Or Too Slow)

I still remember the many looks of disbelief I received when I would explain to people that I was scheduled to leave for Guatemala in January and I had yet to be released to begin fundraising in OCTOBER. I have to admit that I often shared the doubtful sentiments that I would be seeing Guatemala in January or even within the first quarter of 2016.. After all, fundraising for the mission's field can take YEARS for people to complete. Here I was expecting it to happen in less than three MONTHS.... was I CRAZY??

Yet, when I answered the phone on January 8, 2016 my coordinator, Julia, stated in a very serious voice that she had something to tell me. My mind raced.. what could it be.. she wasn't the type to be so serious.. did I lose my funding? did the project get shut down? was there a problem with my application? I slowly replied "Ok.." In the same very serious tone she replied, "You have been given the green light to purchase your plane ticket." I screamed. I screamed. Then I screamed some more. Then... I screamed some MORE.

The "sign" over my table
at Starbucks this week
In that moment, the doubts crumbled... THE TEARS FLOWED... and I felt relief. I was GOING to Guatemala in JANUARY. I spent the next few hours comparing flights, times, itineraries, and trying to schedule my farewell visits with friends and family. I finally settled on taking a train from D.C. to South Bend, IN on January 19th (my organization is headquartered in Valparaiso, IN) and then flying out of Chicago the EARLY morning of the 23rd to arrive in Guatemala City around noon the same day. IT'S HAPPENING!!!

Even though I struggled with the idea that God could get me to Guatemala in January, HE DID IT. Even though I had moments when I wanted to give up, when I was frustrated with the journey, when I didn't think the fundraising was going fast enough, when I struggled to watch the support climb by one or two percentage points at a time... HE DID IT. AND HE DID IT IN A HURRY.

What initially began as a TWO WEEK countdown has quickly rocketed into a ONE WEEK countdown, and in SEVEN DAYS I will be landing in the place I will call home for the next season of my life. When did this all happen? I have wanted to "hit the brakes" and slow down time as I quickly prepare to finish up last minute details.

My mother and I 
In the past few days, I have been saying my "goodbyes" to my immediate family. It's been tough. There have been a lot of tears, a lot of really tight hugs, and a lot of thinking about the events I will be missing in the next ten months while I am in Guatemala before I return to the U.S. on furlough. I have been encouraged as I have watched what was once fear and concern of some of my family members change into genuine excitement as I prepare to embark on this journey.

If there is one thing I have learned in this process it is that God's timing is absolutely perfect, and when you wait on His timing (no matter how fast or slow it may be) He works EVERYTHING out... including selling my temporary "beater" car in LESS THAN TWO HOURS!! So, regardless of where you are on the spectrum of waiting.. please remember.. sometimes the end is MUCH CLOSER than you ever realize in the moments of struggle. Yet, keep pressing on.. keep pressing through... the breakthrough may literally only be moments away.

I appreciate each of you who read my blog, and I am thankful for all the prayer support and financial support that has made this journey possible. 
